Saturday, August 31, 2019
Osama Bin Laden Research Paper
Osama Bal Laden; the mastermind of 9/11 Christian Hanker December 21 , 2012 World History Period 1 Osama Bin Laden changed the world on September 1 1, 2012, when he orchestrated the 911 1 bombings on the world Trade center in New York City. He has also formulated many other attacks including the October 2000 attack on the US Cole, and attacks on the US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dark sees Salaam, Tanzania in 1998 (Encyclopedia of World 1).Osama Bin Laden had a negative Influence on societies, economies, and religion throughout the world because of his actions in masterminding many radical terrorist attacks, and because he created and ended al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden had a dramatic effect not only on the society of the United States but also worldwide. These radical attacks have resulted in changes to the way society conducts business, travel, Immigration, and most Importantly, how people view and trust each other. Simply put, it has in many ways resulted in a drastic change to m any people's behavior.The attacks of 9/1 1 resulted in increased security exponentially. After these attacks, airport security was amplified. Other security measures were Implemented such as every time someone flies they are required to undergo body scanning; they have to remove shoes and belts, and all liquids over three point four ounces must be packed in checked luggage Monsoon 13). All these measures are now enforced to ensure maximum safety and security in airports. Instead of being able to breeze through the airport and board their flight, people are required to be there two hours early. Which has become a necessary inconvenience and a time consuming practice. After the 9/11 attacks, people were very hesitant to fly because they were afraid. To help ease the anxiety of flying and perform the safety sys precautions, the Nun deed t States created the Transportation Security Administration. The TTS hired over 50,000 people to work in airports across the country and have found to date over fifty million prohibited items, 5,000 of them being firearms Monsoon 7-10). Since Osama Bin Alden's various attacks, some airlines like Canada 3000 and Swiss Air were on the verge of going bankrupt.To counteract this, the airlines crammed more seats in their airplanes, cut the complimentary food service, and reduced flights Monsoon 22). This inconveniences the passengers because there s less space and comfort on board and with less flights, not everyone may get a seat on their flight. Osama Bin Laden had a direct impact on the way we travel, has put anxiety in the minds of innocent people wanting or needing to travel on an airplane, and caused changes in the way commercial airlines conduct businesses.Osama Bin Laden has affected society worldwide through the lives lost in 9/1 1 and America's war on terrorism. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the many deaths that occurred as a result of his terrorist attacks. In the wake of 9/1 1, approximately 3000 people died (Newspape rs 1). This not only affected the people that died, but also the people that love them, witnessed their death, their neighbors, the community around them, and also the world. An enormous amount of grief was felt throughout the world and many societies were humbled.Another way Osama Bin Laden has impacted society is the number of troops, particularly American, that have been sent to Afghanistan and Iraq to fight in the war on terrorism. Approximately 70,000 troops were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan (Encyclopedia of World 23). This affected both their own lives and also their loved ones, not knowing if they are alive, outing a great amount of fear in millions of people's lives worldwide. The cost of the war on terrorism has not only been human lives.Governments across the world have had to fund the increased deployments and make revisions in their budgets for the future. Finally, there has been a large death toll incurred by innocent Muslims living in both America and on the battlefiel d. In retaliation to the 9/11 bombings, many Americans discriminated against Muslim Americans and many cases resulted in violence. Muslim lives have been lost fighting for AY-Qaeda and innocent civilians eave died, being caught in the middle of this war. Osama Bin Laden is responsible for changing society and the lives of many Americans, troops and his own followers.Osama Bin Laden left his mark on society by his role in inflicting terror into the hearts and minds of people worldwide. What is so frightening about terrorism is that it could happen anywhere and anytime. Bin Laden used this advantage of mystery to plant the seed of fear into people's minds worldwide. In October 2001, according to a Gallup poll, forty six percent of Americans said terrorism was America's biggest problem (Grief 47). This shows that Osama Bin Laden has had an enormous and lasting influence on the way Americans think and why they may do certain things.Osama Bin Laden had such a great influence on Americans and their minds that the CIA released a bounty worth $25 million for Bin Laden. New York City authorities put posters up around New York City showing again how much the capture of Osama Bin Laden was worth to America and how much he had affected society. This is evidenced in figure one, showing that officials want Bin Laden dead or alive. Osama Bin Laden destroyed billions of people's peace of mind worldwide. The 9/1 1 attacks were carried out in conditions of everyday life, which was in essence using the element to surprise as a weapon.What is more terrifying is that he managed to install his people into our communities. These terrorists lived amongst us until Osama Bin Laden gave his orders. This effectively created a feeling of mistrust and paranoia after the 9/1 1 attacks. It certainly had a great impact on the state of mind of many Americans. Osama Bin Laden impacted society by influencing the modification of the security systems, being responsible for killing thousands of peo ple, and outing terror in millions of people's minds worldwide.While Osama Bin Laden had an extraordinary influence on how people around the world feel and behave he also had a negative impact on America's economy. One way Bin Laden left his mark on the United States economy is that his actions caused the United States to spend billions of dollars for the military, defense, and security sectors. In the years of 2006-2008, military spending increased by $540 million to supply weapons and transportation to fight the war on terror and to deploy troops into Pakistan and Afghanistan to find Bin Laden (Griffin 17).This huge expense would not have been incurred if Bin Laden had not executed the attack on the World Trade Centre. These funds could have been spent on other things, like paying off the national debt or providing better education and healthcare for American citizens. Not only did Bin Laden cause the United States spend unnecessary money on finding him, but he also affected socie ty by redistributing $540 million of potential funding which could have been used in improvements in society. This money was spent on defense and the security sectors.All three of these divisions boosted the United States debt to $14. Trillion (Burger 8). Osama Bin Laden cost the United States lots of resources, money, and time in the search for their peace of mind. Osama Bin Alden's actions have caused friction amongst Middle Eastern and western countries, raising the prices of odds from these nations, in particular oil. After the 9/1 1 attacks, the unhealthy relationship between Islamic countries and America made Muslims reluctant to trade, resulting in an increase in the oil price. Before 9/1 1, oil prices were $1. 3, per gallon but they have increased to a current price of $3. 65 per gallon (Mille 16). Obviously, with the price of gas skyrocketing by over $2 after 9/1 1, resources have become very expensive to obtain and has put many Americans in difficulties financially because it is a huge increase that has to be accounted for. Other resources such as gold have experienced price increases. At the time of the 9/1 1 bombings, gold was priced at $271. 5 per ounce however it is now very expensive, rising to $1821 per ounce (Mille 13-14).The price of gold after 9/11 has risen over 600%, while the American dollar has lost one third of its value. Since the 9/1 1 attacks, he increased price of many plentiful goods within the Middle East has made it more difficult for people to pay for them. Another way Bin Laden affected The United State's economy is due to his role in planning the destruction caused which resulted in the reparations the insurance companies owed, and the time and money spent cleaning the devastation.Firstly, in the attacks that killed over 3,000 people, it cost an estimated $1. 5 billion to clear the devastation where the World Trade Centre stood (Gaffing 13). This cost in clearing the remains, moving it and disposing of it was a large expense w hich otherwise would have been used on other necessary expenditure such as education or roads. These funds were spent on an event that could not have been predicted or budgeted for. The cost to America can also be accounted in for the time to thousands to workers and the tort to volunteers.Another way this incident affected the economy is in the insurance claims that were owed to millions of people. These insurance claims include life insurance, auto insurance, and property insurance. The combination of lives lost and damage of properties led to and estimated $40 billion price tag in insurance claims (Gaffing 7). This huge toll on insurance companies made many companies bankrupt, and if not bankrupt, premiums became very expensive for people wanting to purchase insurance.The cost of disposing and clearing the site where the World Trade Centre stood and the insurance claims incurred after the attack crippled the economy, especially that of New York City. After the attacks of 9/1 1, m any other struggles within the United States economy arose. One example of this is that the unemployment rate in the United States almost doubled. Prior to 9/1 1, the unemployment rate was four point nine percent but soon after, the unemployment rate rose to nine point one percent Mille 7-8).As a result of the terrorist attacks over 600,000 Jobs were lost, 226,000 of them in the travel industry (Mille 7-8). This huge cut of workers left many people struggling to survive, becoming homeless, and relying on welfare or other sorts of government aide to survive. With a large demand for supplies to aid homeless people, this increased the United States debt even further, setting the debt deeper by the millions. Thousands of small businesses were destroyed by the wreckage in New York City, from the collapse of the World Trade Centre and financially.Approximately 18,000 small businesses in lower Manhattan, particularly around the site of World Trade Centre, were either physically destroyed b y flying debris or financially crushed without income to offset the costs to repair their shops (Gaffing 8). These small businesses were particularly hurt because they did not have large cash reserves or other stores to make sure they were earning money. Instead, they were out of business for six weeks while repairs were being made in lower Manhattan.This lead to the large amount of unemployment that occurred and also left many people bankrupt. The attacks of 9/1 1 that Osama Bin Laden formulated had a demoralizing toll on America's economy by increasing unemployment, destroying small businesses, skyrocketing the prices of goods and forcing America to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure safety and to find the man behind all the chaos and devastation. Osama Bin Laden was a very influential person and he used his power to change his religion for the worse.One way that he did this is that he encouraged a violent form of Islam called Salamis. With his extreme wealth, inheriti ng $300 million at age thirteen when his father died (Encyclopedia of World 4), ND power, he has influenced millions of Muslims to adopt his ideas and beliefs that encouraged violence. In Osama Bin Laden ââ¬Å"Jihad against Jews and Crusadersâ⬠, Osama Bin Laden encourages Muslims worldwide that it is their duty religiously to kill all Americans and their allies whenever possible (bin laden, Osama).Bin Laden promoted a very extremist form of Islam and was able to spread it throughout the Muslim world. He proposed to kill other people because they were of a different religion and belief, even though they may be innocent of any religious hate crimes. He executed these attacks in many different ways, including bombings, assassinations, and cyber attacks (AY Qaeda 2). This added to his repertoire as being very dangerous and helped his followers strive for their mission of the Jihad.He was very intolerant to other religions and wanted others to tallow in his pate Laden changed views about religion and religious tolerance worldwide by increasing the stereotypes towards Middle Eastern or Islamic people being terrorists. Many forms of violence against Muslims or people with dark skin and dark hair occurred after 9/1 1 in retaliation for the attack. Osama Bin Laden therefore negatively affected religion, because innocent Muslims are being discriminated against because of Bin Laden attacks. Osama Bin Laden had a huge negative influence on religion, the economy, and society worldwide.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hamlet Complex Decision
Professor Maureen Edison World Literature 1 Asmaa Abdelaal Essay 1 Hamlet Complex Decision Abdelaal 1 Hamlet Complex Decision ââ¬Å"To be, or not to be, that is the questionâ⬠(Hamlet, 2446). To live or to die? Do I take avenge or not? To leave Denmark polluted or not? Hamlet a young prince of Denmark faces the truth of the former King. Hamlets father death was an actual murder. In addition the Queen Hamlets mother marries Hamlets Uncle, Claudius and former Kings brother. Hamlets throughout the play faced a complex decision either to live as if his father was not murdered or to kill who murdered his father.Hamlet father is King Hamlet and his mother Queen Gertrude. Hamlet full of hate for his Uncle and disgust of his mothering marrying him. ââ¬Å"Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not seems. Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejectedââ¬â¢ havior of the visage, Together with all forms, moods , shapes of grief, That can denote me truly. These indeed ââ¬Å"seem,â⬠For they are actions that a man might play. But I have that within which passeth show, These but the trapping and the suits of woe. (Hamlet, 2417) Abdelaal 2 Hamlets black cloths is his weeping and ââ¬Å"seemâ⬠fake grief. Fake grief is sadness the cloths is just a hint of it. Hamlets father ghost appears and claims to have been murdered by Claudius. Hamlet obsessed with avenging his father death but keeps thinking of reasons why he should wait before killing Claudius. Gertrude knows how Hamlet feels cares more about how she sees herself. The new King of Denmark Claudius, Hamlet Uncle. Claudius is calculating is power. Claudius doesnââ¬â¢t know until later on that Hamlet has found the truth about his father death. Polonius is father of Laertes and Ophelia.Polonius throughout the play tries to figure what Hamlet up to. Horatio is a close friend to Hamle t which they both studied at the same University of Wittenberg. Hamlet trusts Horatio because he is loyal and helpful. Horatio such a good friend he comes to the funeral/ wedding to stand by Hamlets side. ââ¬Å"O God, beast that wants discourse of reason Would have mourned long! ââ¬â married with my uncle, My father brother but no more like my father Than I to Hercules. Within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!It is not nor it cannot come to good, But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue. â⬠(Hamlet, 2420) Abdelaal 3 This is what Hamlet sees happening his mother marrying his father brother in less than of a month of his father death even before tears come down on his mother cheeks had dried she was too quick to move on. Ophelia is Polonius daughter a beautiful girl who Hamlet in love with. In the play Ophelia obeys her father and her brother Laertes allowing Polonies to use her to spy on Hamlet. Later on her father will die. Laertes is Polonius son and Ophelia brother. Laertes is thoughtful of Hamlet.Polonius thinks a man on fire not Hamlet who heart on fire which gives more light than heat and fire will be out before his promises are done. He thinks Ophelia mistaking love and wants her to spend less time with him. He tells her to remember him young that he knows how to fool around you and to not bileve his nice cloths and order her to do as he says. Ophelia obeys the order. ââ¬Å"Ay, springs to catch woodcocks. I do know, When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows. These blazes, daughter, Giving more light than heat, extinct in both Even in their promise as it is a making, You must not take for fire.From this time Be somewhat scanter of your maiden presence. Set your entremets at higher rate Than a command to parley. For lord Hamlet, Bileve so much in him that he is young, And wi th a larger tether may he walk Than may be given you. In few, Ophelia, Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers Not of that dye which their investments show, But mere imploratory of unholy suits, Breathing like sanctified and opioids bawds, The better to beguile. This is for all I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth, Have you so slander any moment leisure, Alto give words or talk with Lord Hamlet, Look to ââ¬Ëtââ¬â¢ I charge you.Come your waysâ⬠( Polonius, 2422) Fortinbras is young prince of Norway the King of Fortinbras which was killed by Hamlets father. Now out of revenge Fortinbras wishes to attack Denmark to avenge his father honor. Gotland and Cornelius are courtiers who Claudius sends to Norway to stop Fortinbras from attacking Denmark. Hamlets father who wants his son Hamlet to take avenge to what happened to him. Hamlet at first when hears from Marcellus and Barnardo about a ghost who they suspect might be his father thinks that the ghost is a d evil sent to deceive him where the ghost comes from in the play is never said.Marcellus is the first officer see too she the ghost with Hamlets. ââ¬Å"Two nights together had these gentlemen, Marcellus and Barnardo, on their watch, In the dead waste and middle of the night, Been thus Abdelaal 5 encountered: a figure like your father, Armed at point exactly, cap_a-pie, Appears before them and with soleman march Goes slow and stale by them. Thrice he walked By the oppressed and fear surprised eyes Within his truncheons length, whilst they, distilled Almost to jelly with the act of fear, Stand dumb and speak not to him.This to miens dreadful secrecy impact they did, And I wait them the third night kept the watch, Where as they had delivered, both in time, Form of the thing, each word made true and good The apparition comes. I knew your father, The hands are not more like. â⬠( Horatio, 2418) After midnight for two nights the officers think that the figure they keeping seeing is H amlet father. The guard were scared yet amazed at the same time on the third night it happened again and that when they told Hamlet. ââ¬Å"So have I heard and doing part bileve it. But look the Oren in russets mantle clad.Walked oââ¬â¢er the dew of yon high eastward hill. Break we our watch quip, and by my advice. Let us impact what we have seen tonight. Unto young Hamlet: for upon my Abdelaal 6 life, this spirit dumb to us, will speak to him. Do you concept we shall acquaint him with it.. As needful of our loves, rotting our duty? â⬠( Horatio, 2419). Horatio, fellow student, and best friend of Hamlets tell him he has seen his father ghost, he would not say word until he speaks to Hamlets. Hamlet accepting to see the ghost was a decision he made. Later it will change his image towards his mother and Claudius.After, Horatio tells Prince Hamlet, the ghost wonââ¬â¢t speak only to Hamlet. The ghost tells Hamlet to take avenge. ââ¬Å"I am thy father spout doomed for certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fasting fires, Till the foul crimes doe in my days of nature, Are burnt and purged away. But that I am forbid to tell the secret of my prison houseâ⬠(Ghost, 2430). The ghost is very angry and wants avenge. â⬠Avenge his foul and takes him he was murder but hissed by his uncle Claudius. â⬠O, my prophetic soul! U my uncle ââ¬Å"(Hamlet, 2429). With that said, he had to make an important decision whether to bileve the ghost or not.This decision means allot to him because he is supposed to be next in the throne not his Uncle. In addition, the Queen the wife of the former King, marries the brother Claudius, who is the King of Denmark. Abdelaal 7 ââ¬Å"Thought yet of Hamlets, our dear brother death. The memory is green, and that it is us befitted. To bear us hearts in grief and our whole kingdom. To be contracted in on brow of woe, Teat so far hath discretion fought with nature. That we with wise sorrow think of him, T ogether with remembrance ourselves, therefore our sometime, sister now our queenâ⬠(King, 2417). The King. He hath not failed to pester us with the message, importing the surrender of those lands, lost by his father with all bonds of lawâ⬠(King, 2417). Hamlet is not happy, but he canââ¬â¢t disobey the Queen nor the King. Claudius gives a negative, ignorant sneaky, impression to rule Denmark. Hamlet canââ¬â¢t adapt to the new life in Denmark, under his Uncle, the Kings throne. Before Hamlet made any decisions he had to think through what the ghost said to him that night. ââ¬Å"I am thy fathers spirit, Doomed for certain term to walk the night And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature Are burnt and purged away.But that I am forbid To tell the secrets of my prison Abdelaal 8 house, I could a tale in fold whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, Make I fin three apt, And duller shrouds thou be than the fat weed That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf, Wouldst thou not stir in this. Now, Hamlet, hear. Tis given ot that, sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me. So the whole ear f of Denmark is by a forged process of my death rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth. The serpent that did sting thy atheist life Nowââ¬â¢s wears his crown. â⬠(Ghost, 2429) In rder to find out the real truth Hamlet decides to put a play on the hires actors tor reveal the truth. ââ¬Å"And cleave the general ear with hurried speech, Make mad the guilty and appall the free, confounded the ignorant, and amaze indeedâ⬠(Hamlet. 2430). The ghost is his father and his father tells him he did not die by a poisonous snake that was lie that everyone in Denmark was fooled by. He tells him the real snake is the person so is wearing the crown. Hamlet would be able to see the real side of his Uncle. The reaction of the King of Denmark will show him if he really killed his father or not.Ham let quick makes decision of Abdelaal 9 whether to take avenge or not. Rosencrantz and Horatio helped Hamlets put the play on. ââ¬Å"Even those you want to take such delight in the tragedians of the cityâ⬠(Rosencrantz, 2439. ) Suspiciously, the King of Denmark ends up knowing that Hamlets found out the truth Claudius his Uncle has been hiding, and tried to kill him. ââ¬Å"Get from him why he puts on this confusion grating so harshly all his quiet with turbulent and dangerously lunacy? â⬠(King, 2450). The King wants to get back at Hamlets so he tells Polonies about Ophelia and Hamlet. I do repent, but heaven hath please it so, to punish me with this, and I will answer well, the death I gave him, so again, good, I must be cruel only to be kindâ⬠( Hamlet. 2450). Hamlets avoided Ophelia because he loves her and he is seeking for avenge towards his Uncle. Killing his Uncle meant allot to him, because he saw everyone around him mad, and angrily felt that was the right thi ng to do, because he is paying death with respect. The king tells Laertes which is Polonies Laertes father, that Hamlet killed his father. ââ¬Å"Not that I think you did not love your father.But that I know love is begun by timeâ⬠(King, 2477). Now Laertes wants to take avenge for his father. â⬠Iââ¬Ëll not be jangled with to hell allegiance! Vows to the blackest devil conscience and grace to the profoundest pit! I am damation. To this point I stand, that both the worlds I give to Abdelaal 10 negligence, let come what comes only. Iââ¬â¢ll be avenged most thoroughly for my fatherâ⬠(Laertes, 2478). The king brings Hamlets to Laertes so they can fight Hamlets ends up getting wounded, and Laertes end getting wounded and dies. The ling wanted to poison Hamlet; instead the Queen drinks the poison. No, no the drink-O my dear Hamlet- The dink, the drink I am poisonedâ⬠(Queen, 2497). Hamlet angrily makes the King drink the poison. â⬠Forcing the King to drin k, here. Thou, incestuous, murderous, dammed Dane, Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? Follow my mother? â⬠(Hamlet, 2498). Hamlet was so mad at his Uncleââ¬â¢s ignorance. Hamlet looks around everyone is dead so he kills himself. ââ¬Å"O, I die, Horatio, the potent poison quite oââ¬â¢er cows y spirit, I cannot live to hear the news from England, But I do prophesy thââ¬â¢ election lights, on Fortinbras. He has my dying voice so tell him. with, with the occurrences, more and less, which have solicited the rest is silenceâ⬠(Hamlet, 24997). When Hamlet killed his Uncle, it wasnââ¬â¢t more of decision; his manger towards the loved one dying caused him to make his Uncle feel the same way. However his decision impacted Denmark in good way, because it would no longer be controlled by a bad King. Hamlet was looking at bigger picture. He sacrificed his teenage life for Denmark people to be in good hands. Abdelaal 11 ââ¬Å"Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?To die, to sleep No more and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream ay, there the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled of this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There the respect That makes calamity of so long life. â⬠(Hamlet, 2439) Nasty things that luck throws your way to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all? It sleeps and maybe dreams but worries about life.This is how Hamlet felt before making the decision he made is mind about. Overall, everyone dies. Should have he done something before this tragedy happened? Hamlet was constantly going back in forth. At the end he made a decision by taking avenge for his father and killing himself so h e doesnââ¬â¢t face the new of England and not live the rest of his life miserable and feeling guilty. ââ¬Å"Of that I shall have also cause to speak, And from his mouth whose voice will draw on more, But Abdelaal 12 let this same be presently performed, Even while menââ¬â¢s minds are wild, lest more enhance , on plots and errors happenâ⬠( Horatio, 2488).The actions the King states become pouted. Hamlet had to put his life on the line for Denmark to punish Claudius. As a young boy Hamlet, was a normal person went to school lived his life, and matured up when he put his life on the line for his country, which ended up in an outrageous ending. Abdelaal 13 Works Citied Crowther, John, ed. ââ¬Å"No Fear Hamlet. â⬠SparkNotes LLC. 2005. http://nfs. sparknotes. com/hamlet/ (accessed June 8, 2012). Shakesphere, Wiiiam. ââ¬Å"Hamlet. â⬠Hamlet. 8th ed. Vol. 1. United States: Matnard Mark, 1984. 2406-500. Print.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Consider the Attitudes To Women Demonstrated In the Vienna of Measure For Measure
I think most men have fooled themselves into thinking that they are the seat of powerââ¬âbecause women have allowed them that dream. Women's subtle power is to make men think that the man is in charge. Eli Khamarov in America Explained! Throughout the course of Measure for Measure, Shakespeare highlights subordination of the female characters by the males. In the Vienna represented in the play women have to suffer exploitation and derogation as their individualism and independence are undermined. Shakespeare uses this treatment of women to exemplify the corruption in the city of Vienna. The two main female roles in Measure for Measure are Mariana and Isabella. Both these women are victims of the corrupt motives of the men who so strongly influence their lives. Isabella, the protagonist, is a nun. Her name means ââ¬Å"consecrated to Godâ⬠. Looking at the roles the other women in the play have adopted, as will be discussed in more depth during the course of this essay, it seems she is almost forced into the role by the bigoted society in Vienna. It appears that the only fate for women, unless they wish to join a convent, be a prostitute or alone, is to become a housewife. As a nun Isabella benefits from the education and relative independence (although whether this particular privilege can belong to a woman, in the Vienna Shakespeare writes about, is doubtful) she would not have if married. There are still certain restraints, in that she is not able to have the sexual freedom of women who are not so divinely consecrated and, once she has taken her vows, she is n ot allowed to entertain the company of men: Nun: â⬠¦ When you have vowed, you must not speak with men But in the presence of the prioress; Then if you speak you must not show your face, Or if you show your face you must not speakâ⬠¦ However, this is a small sacrifice to make for the standard of life she can expect to live but in spite of the advantages of being a nun, there significant drawbacks. Isabella is forced to abide by two laws: the chauvinistic law of the land and the androcentric dogma of the church. When they collide Isabella is forced to make a choice, not only between man and God, but also between her brother's life and her soul. It is ultimately the social structure in Vienna that is responsible for her angst and consequent no-win situation. Isabella: Then Isobel live chaste and brother die: More than our brother is our chastity Ultimately, for Isabella there is no escape. Even her brother does not understand her reasoning behind the choice to sacrifice his life for control of her own: ââ¬Å"What sin you do to save a brother's life, / Nature dispenses with the deed so far / That it becomes a virtue.â⬠The contrast between ââ¬Å"sinâ⬠and ââ¬Å"virtueâ⬠accentuates the contrast between his perception of the predicament and Isabella's. Claudio also overlooks that the church does not see nature as the overall decider of right and wrong. He fails to see that this is not only Isabella clinging onto her ââ¬Ëeternal life' but also that this is her bid for independence. The strength of her female character is indicated in Act II Scene iv where she delivers the only female soliloquy in the play: Isabella: To whom should I complain? Did I tell this Who would believe me?â⬠¦ â⬠¦ had he twenty heads to tender down On twenty blocks he'd yield them up Before his sister should her body stoop To such abhorred pollution. Though she has just been offered a vicious ultimatum by Angelo, and seems at her wits end, she stands firm in the decision she has made. Her steadfast attitude towards the values she upholds is a contrast to those displayed by the three most significant male characters in the play: Angelo: Who will believe thee, Isabel? My unsoiled name, th'austereness of my life, My vouch against you, and my place i'th'state, Will so your accusation overweighâ⬠¦ â⬠¦ redeem thy brother By yielding up thy body to my willâ⬠¦ In this speech Angelo reveals a part of himself so contrasting with the person spoken about so highly in Act I Scene I: ââ¬Å"There is a kind of character in thy life / That to th'observer doth thy history fully unfold.â⬠This ââ¬Å"well-seeming Angeloâ⬠is not the same person revealed in Act II Scene iv, and indeed throughout the play. His lack of consistency about his scruples hints at the weakness of his character, especially compared to that of Isabella. Unfortunately for her, no matter how much she can prove herself in the presence of men her femininity remains. Were women allowed more independence and choice, Isabella would not be faced with two conflicting laws; her situation would be entirely different. Her helplessness is highlighted by the fact that it is the subordination by men that has led to her no-win predicament, yet it is only a man who has sufficient authority to grant reprieve of either of the two fates. Bearing in mind the corrupt nature of most of the men in Measure for Measure's Vienna, this can only mean Isabella will no doubt be exploited. Mariana, in contrast to Isabella's comparatively feminist existence as a nun, has found her entire life shattered by the cancellation of her betrothal to a revered Lord of the city. Not enough to lose her brother at sea, with all the family's wealth, Lord Angelo shows his superficiality along with demonstrating the attitudes of men towards women in Vienna ââ¬â that they are disposable ââ¬â by calling off the engagement. Duke: â⬠¦her brother Frederick was wrecked at sea, having in that perished vessel the dowry of his sisterâ⬠¦ she lost a noble and renowned brother, in his love toward her ever most kind and natural; with his the portion and sinew of her fortune, her marriage dowry; with both, her combinate husband, this well-seeming Angelo. Isabella: Can this be so? Did Angelo so leave her? Duke: Left her in tears, and dried not one of them with his comfort; swallowed his vows wholeâ⬠¦ a marble to her tears Here the Duke reveals the sad truth of Mariana's past which, as a woman, she is powerless to do anything about. The Duke says her brother loved her, Angelo clearly did not. In jilting her he demonstrates that his interests in her were based purely on the money she can access from her family. Kathleen McLuskie writes in The patriarchal bard: ââ¬Å"There is evidence to suggest that marriage was regarded as just an instrument of social controlâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The truth of this is slowly revealed throughout the play, though remains disguised until the final scene, especially in this scene. The accuracy of McLuskie's statement resonates through this scene the significance of its fact is seen in Mariana's daily life. The Duke's second statement describes Angelo's lack of interest in Mariana besides as a source of riches and probably business relations of some sort. Since the Duke describes Angelo as a model person, this appears to be accepted as some sort of norm amongst the aristocracy in Vienna. Through Mariana is shown the effect this self-interest has on the women in the society. Mariana is now confined to a moated grange where she has little company and even less to occupy her time. Shakespeare uses Mariana's character later in the play to exaggerate the forgiving nature of women, one of the few positive attributes he bestows upon the female characters in Measure for Measure. Mariana: Oh, my dear lord, I crave no other, nor better man. Although the women in Vienna are stripped of their freedom and seem to have their sense of responsibility undermined, they retain their principles and live up to the roles they hope to be given. They remain steadfastly loyal: Isabella to the doctrines of the church and Mariana to Angelo, regardless of the price they have to pay. Their devotion is often presented as submission: Isabella: (to Duke) I am directed by you. What Isabella does not realise when she utters these words is the situation to follow. This may be a premonition (as frequently occur in Shakespeare's plays) of the obedience the Duke of her in the final scene. Perhaps what Eli Khamarov claims in America Explained! is true also in Shakespeare's Vienna, that women allow men power over them. Then the question needs to be asked, ââ¬Å"What do women gain from permitting men to domineer them?â⬠Sexual freedom is certainly not the answer. The sexual constriction of Isabella and Mariana's lives is a stark contrast to that of the prostitutes, which make up a large Viennese sub-culture, in particular Mistress Overdone. Lucio: Behold, behold, where Madam Mitigation comes. I have purchased as many diseases under her roof as come to [judge] This brothel-owner is nicknamed Madam Mitigation by Lucio, since she ââ¬Ëalleviates' men's sexual tension. Her liberalism is however still as much of a bane to her as Isabella's chastity is to Claudio and Angelo alike when, on the promotion of Angelo to ââ¬Å"acting dukeâ⬠, the brothels are ordered to close. Mistress Overdone: But shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pulled down? Pompey: To the ground, mistress. Mistress Overdone: â⬠¦ What shall become of me? Caught in a vicious cycle, Mistress Overdone cannot marry, since no man wishes to marry her because she is a prostitute. If she cannot marry she must support herself; the only trade women are welcome in is prostitution hence she must remain a prostitute. But this in turn means no man will marry her. Mistress Overdone's lack of choice in her own life is another example of the double standards adopted by the corrupt men in Viennese society. This is a culture where women are used for sex yet still expected to remain pure and chaste. Their civil rights are abused, they are treated as second-class citizens, and their freedoms of speech and choice are taken from them. The comparison of the female characters suggested in the first paragraph of this essay when establishing Isabella's choice of becoming a nun is a good starting point for this. Mistress Overdone has the most freedom of any woman, but she pays for this with any emotional security she could hope for. Isabella has emotional security within the constraints of religion, but no freedom. There is also the possibility she may have little companionship. Mariana has no emotional security or freedom. When Juliet exercised her freedom within her emotional security; she had both taken from her. Since, even though the women in Vienna are stripped of their freedom and seem to have their sense of responsibility undermined, when a man is sentenced to death for impregnating his fiancà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½e, the moral responsibility of the action is placed on the woman. Duke: So then it seems your most offenceful act Was mutually committed. Juliet: Mutually. Duke: Then was your sin of a heavier kind than his. Juliet: I do confess it, and repent it, father. Although the Duke is here posing as a friar, either he is adopting the attitude of the church he is representing, or he is following his own moral code. By going along with the church's belief Shakespeare is using him to show the patriarchal set-up of the religion in Vienna. If the Duke is using his own ideals as a guide, this is similarly as worrying since he is the ruler of the city and has the superseding voice. The exploitative nature of the men in Vienna is shown by the treatment of both Isabella and Mariana by Angelo and the Duke throughout the play. They are humiliated in public and subordinated in private. Angelo: For that her reputation was disvalued In levity. Since which time of five years I never spake with her, saw her, nor heard from her Angelo's jilting of Mariana leads to a decline her self-esteem whilst the Duke's manipulation of the two women results in his exultation and their continued lack of choice, as he marries Mariana to Angelo and demands Isabella's own hand in marriage. This lack of respect for women's own abilities to make choices renders them powerless over even their own lives. What Shakespeare says about Vienna through the men's treatment of women is evident. Men who do not respect others, and who strip the rights of women to save their own face not achieve their goals. Nonetheless Shakespeare does not show them suffering, especially not at the hands of the women. Angelo ends the play married to a woman who loves him dearly and will pander to his every want. Claudio, in his inability to understand Isabella's decision to let him die, finds himself not having to. The Duke is still asking for Isabella's hand right up to the end of the scene. Her name suggests she will not give in. Yet it is not only on the account of oppression that men stand accused of maltreating females, Shakespeare strongly highlights issues including sexual double standards and general moral hypocrisy. Claiming that the Vienna in Measure for Measure was indicative of the London of his time, Shakespeare shows what little he thinks of the values adopted by his peers and contemporaries. The images he conjures up of dirty streets and lavish mansions are also historically accurate representations of life in London powerfully supporting the supposition that the city was the subject of Shakespeare's criticism. Perhaps Shakespeare is offering a theory behind the state of London and what can be done to change it. He also makes reference to what he feels women's role is in society through the characters of Isabella, Mariana and Mistress Overdone in particular. These are three women who do not fit into the role of wife and each have different ways of life, yet still find their destinies have been handed over to men. It is possible that in this play Shakespeare is criticising the misogyny of 17th Century London and maybe even King James I (although the latter is highly unlikely he would get away with it). A counter-argument is offered by Linda Bambur's Comic Women, Tragic Men: a Study of Gender and Genre in Shakespeare, that ââ¬Å"the writer fails to attribute the opposite sex characters the privileges of the otherâ⬠hints at Shakespeare's own sexist attitude. She hints that the treatment of women in Measure for Measure is a parody for Shakespeare's own attitude towards them. Truth be told, his subliminal messages in Measure for Measure may never be known, but one fact remains. Whether as a result of playwrights like Shakespeare, or simply because of a gradual change in attitudes, two centuries after this play and its highlighting of deep-rooted patriarchy, the first feminist movement sprang up. London has never been the same.
Logic According to Husserl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Logic According to Husserl - Essay Example It helped us to predict the existence of certain things which were unknown to us earlier. Husserl defined logic in a different manner. He has attached various dimensions to logic in order to analyze it comprehensively. According to Husserl ââ¬Å"Logic is the science of scienceâ⬠(Husserl p.8). This paper analyses the arguments of Husserl with respect to logic and transcendental logic along with his criticisms against formal logic. ââ¬Å"Logic, as Husserl sees it, is concerned in the first place with meanings (propositions, concepts) and with associated meaning-instantiating acts. Most importantly, it is concerned with that sort of deductively closed collection of meanings which constitutes a scientific theoryâ⬠(Corazzon). In other words, Husserl pointed out that logic helps us to deduce certain scientific theories which were unknown to us earlier. He has pointed out that science has no existence without logic. All scientific theories were evolved out of logical thinking. For example, we assume that electrons revolve around certain nucleus in which protons and neutrons are located. This scientific theory is formulated based on logic rather than experimental conclusions. The stability of an atom can be explained only with the help of such an atom model described above. In other words, logic helped us to device a new scientific theory. ... For example, until recent times, science educated us that no object can move faster than light. However, some of the recent scientific discoveries are pointing towards the existence of a particle which is capable of moving much rapidly than light. Many of the basic scientific theories such as Einsteinââ¬â¢s relativity theory may undergo modifications because of the new discovery. In other words, logic and science need not provide us correct explanations always. ââ¬Å"The central position of the theory of judgement in the total problematic of formal logic is due to material as well as historic groundsâ⬠(Husserl and Landgrebe, p. 12). For example, we predict the arrival of different seasons based on historic facts. Historically, December is the coldest month at many parts of the world. So, people always expect December to be the coldest month in coming years also. Formal logic forces us to think in that manner. However, because of global warming problems, climate changes are t aking place everywhere in the world. Unexpected rains and droughts are taking place everywhere now. Under such circumstances, it is quite possible that the coming months of December may not be as cold as it before. In other words, formal logic may not provide us true information always. ââ¬Å"Formal logic does not inquire into the differences in the mode of pre-givenness of objects. It enquires only into the conditions of self-evident judgingâ⬠(Husserl and Landgrebe, p. 21). It should be noted that formal logic is the self-interpretation of reasons and therefore it is highly subjective. No two individuals are alike either physically or intellectually. Because of the differences in intelligence, different people formulate reasons differently. For
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
History of architecture; transformation of the basilica 'type' form Essay
History of architecture; transformation of the basilica 'type' form from the Imperial Roman use to the use by the (Western) Catholic Church - Essay Example The structures of these buildings were designed for varying use with a consistency for certain characteristics, and a new form of decoration and building evolved. The new construction in Rome like Saint Peters, Saint John in Lateran and Saint Pauls Outside the Walls deviated from the Roman baths that used massive engineering made of brick and concrete and from the classical and simple form of temple, to colonnades circling a cella or chamber. The new construction adopted elements from traditional market places, military and riding halls and judiciary building where the interior colonnade separates the space into a major longitudinal space and aisles. These elements were employed in an innovative way to form a religious gathering hall with a better ground plan and varying interior and exterior effects to house new functions according to the evolving liturgy of the Christian church. Saint Peters Basilica has the characteristics of this form of planning and structure. Since the Basilica is situated adjacent to a hill, the way to entrance gate is connected with a monumental stairway. The Basilica has a large atrium or colonnaded court with a purification facility from a fountain. The church is a five aisled basilica with colonnades separating two aisles. The longitudinal space leads to a broad arch opening to a transverse space called the transept. An elevated sanctuary or bema is constructed after the transept and the high alter is situated on the bema in an apse or semicircular area. Saint Peters basilica is covered using a timber roof. The basilica also has sloping roof above the aisle with a gabled roof above the nave (Calkins p.10). The spatial logics of the basilica permits only partial view of the ceremony. The ruler or emperor was the only layman allowed to enter the sanctuary. The participation of the emperor along with the clergy in the liturgical function by
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Ballistic pendulum Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ballistic pendulum - Lab Report Example Therefore, it rises to the maximum height allowed by their original kinetic energy In the experiment, the ball with mass m is fired from the spring gun with an original horizontal velocity v1. At time t= t1 , it collides with the pendulum with the mass M and the corresponding length L, which is originally at rest. At t=t2 the ball is trapped in the interior the pendulum. Moreover, the pendulum is at height h1 and the starts to move at the velocity v2 and swings upward. At t=t3 the ball is brought to halt at a height h2 by force of gravity. Initial velocity of the ball V1 is calculated by the measurement Through application of the Conservation of Energy to the ball-pendulum system amidst the two times t2 and t3, the time t2 is the instant subsequent to the collision and t3 is the instant that the ball pendulum combination stops at its underlying maximum height ( h2) Considering the projectile when there is no pendulum, originally travelling horizontally, the ball has a velocity v1 as it leaves the spring gun. Moreover, when it hits the floor it has travelled horizontal distance x and the vertical distance y. In case it takes time t, the basic emotion equations become x= v1t The pendulum was from the apparatus and the measurement of its mass was recorded using the triple beam balance. Mass of the steel ball was also recorded. The ball was placed in the pendulumââ¬â¢s catcher and the distance from the pivot to the balance of the pendulum and the ball combination was measured and recorded (L). The pendulum was reconnected and the ball was shoot so that it can get trapped by the pendulum for 5 times and the maximum angle was recorded. The angles were used to calculate the initial velocity for each one utilizing provided equations. Pendulum was removed out of the way and the ball was shoot and its landing taken into account. Black mat and the sheet of white paper were taped . The shoots were taken for 5 times in
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Greater Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Greater Freedom - Essay Example To address the intricacies arising from the freedom of expression, several considerations will be put in place. To begin with, the influence of the political class on judicial proceedings will be limited or completely prohibited. In China, Woodman (2015) asserts that the freedom of expression is accorded selectively depending on the social standing or due to the subjectivity of a powerful political figure. The judiciary is thus not autonomous, and prevalence of justice is sabotaged. Secondly, the government will be held accountable through democratic platforms. Margaritis (2013) illustrates how Greece protects the presidency against criticism by all means regardless of the position of the country. The author postulates that such provisions ought to be overturned to allow critics to express their opinions about the leadership of their country legally. Lack of questioning or critique of the government breeds corruption and other dubious deals whose burden and effects are borne by the c itizens. At the very least, these two approaches and foreign precedents are fundamental in strengthening the freedom of expression.Also, it will be beneficial to carry over the First Amendments into the new nation. This is because the amendments were made at a time when the United States was experiencing a lot of turbulence due to the then governmentââ¬â¢s discrimination against those who defied its rulings no matter how weird they were. It was during this period that the people were allowed to be affiliated with their religious groups of choice.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciscek Piper Term Paper
David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciscek Piper - Term Paper Example According to Coleââ¬â¢s interview with Alicia, the tour guide, the gas chamber was in its original state. However, Dr. Piper contradicts this claim by stating that there were reconstructions made in the original gas chamber, which was later converted to air raid shelters. Another confusing information presented by Cole was about the use of Zyklon B. According to Dr. Piper, the traces of Zyklon B differed from those in the gas chamber and the disinfection chamber due to the difference in the number of hours both chambers were being used. At the end of the interview, Cole still did not come up with a conclusive view of the reality of the gas chamber in Auschwitz. The interview just leaves his audience with more questions. One was not enlightened on what is real and what is not. The history that we know is also based mostly on eyewitness accounts without much written documentation. One thinks that Cole failed in giving the documentation needed to debunk the Holocaust. A visit at the Auschwitz camp and interview with is Director was simply not enough to persuade the audience about Coleââ¬â¢s belief that everything was a
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Military Service vs Civilian Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Military Service vs Civilian Employment - Essay Example The responsibility of a civilian is completely taken care of by an individual while in the military several things are taken care of by the military, these include healthcare, insurance and housing. Many things provided in the military like education and travelling are free or cheap. Serving in the military comes with a lot of benefits unlike doing civilian work; the benefits include free housing, healthcare, cheap education, and a chance of advancement and travelling. Also, it has long term benefits for retirement such as GI bill, housing and health care which is not provided in the civilian employment. I believe that military employment is better than civilian employment because it is more beneficial and more reliable these days. In this article I will compare military and civilian employment in terms of benefits and reliability, this will involve promotion, medical benefits, education benefits, opportunities for travel, pay, job security, opportunity for advancement, and freedom t o quit. Promotion in the military is achieved through individuals own dreams and desire for career progress. A military officer will be eligible for promotion after Serving for a certain number of years at a certain level. Sometimes, promotion is given if you pass a certain exam or interview. While in the civilian employment, to get a promotion, it will depend on when the payroll department can afford or if a person serving in that position quit the job or fired. Few organizations can accelerate once promotion depending on the job performance. For example, an employee who works at wall mart as a sales associate enquire for a promotion to be a manager but he was told that the company already have the branch manager and they cannot afford to employ two managers. After 5 months the manager quit the job and joins another company instead of being given the position it was closed and the company
Friday, August 23, 2019
Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and being Essay
Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and being ethical are essential ingredients for a business to be succes - Essay Example These businesses were in evaluation on expertise, power, healthcare and aerospace and protecting against industries. Sample outcomes displayed that European businesses are displaying larger firm promise to business communal blame as Australia companies. Nevertheless, Australia businesses are more dedicated to enterprise ethics has a structure and governance programs in place. Enron and the Sarbanes-Oxley have directed to ethics and governance of American businesses for the rush in latest years (Zadek 2008). Despite all the efforts of the European CSR from 1999 onwards, an expanding number of Europeans, the pace of persons, and those Australia businesses are underneath mean in the workout of their responsibilities in the direction of society. Recent business scandals in Europe and the United States will probable have a contradictory influence on buyer insights of Australia and European businesses in key markets. In supplement, an increasing number of Europeans and Americans to grade b usinesses in other adversities in fulfilling their responsibilities to humanity, possibly mirroring the political and financial stress between the Australia and European Union. ... ereas course, Parmalat, the Italian dairy anxiety whose proprietors have "defrauded investors, encompassing $ 1.5 billion more dollars from Australia investors (Cowan, 2004). So two years before, Europeans have contended that Enron proved the superiority of European enterprise heritage, is now broadly identified that deception in detail, can occur anywhere. But while the structure of European enterprise is altering - going not only with consider to local integration, and to clear the American perform, as the capital of the economic market as well numerous Europeans are still slow to get necessary alterations in how enterprise is regulated (Voien 2000). After Parmalat, the European administration eventually realize that they should proceed in the direction of implementation means need a higher more open finances and American business. Analysis Since 1970, the Company has directed enterprise ethics in diverse modes, encompassing the establishment of befitting programs and managers, in supplement to the Council at the grade of ethics managing assemblies, ciphers of perform groundwork and distribution of standards?statements, business communal blame of chartering managers and teaching programs of all kinds. As happenings of latest years in the Australia and Europe have shown that these efforts, regrettably, has not stopped the Australia and European businesses to enlist in unethical behaviours that lead to larger financial scandals (Bradshaw & Vogal 2001). The outcome is expanded force on Australia and European businesses and authorities to supply more organized governance and ethics programs to double-check that enterprises are more accountable to the humanity in which they operate (Amber & Wilson 2005). Examples of dubious demeanour extends for some workers and managers
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Personal Statement Essay Example for Free
Personal Statement Essay The drive and initiative to change has always been my motivation to improve and develop. I use it as a tool towards acquiring new skills and competencies that can cultivate and enhance my professional background. Equipped with my relevant goals and objectives, I wish to point out my intention to apply for a Management, Marketing and Society Masters programme in Stockholm University. It has always been my passion to be educated and learn about things and issues that continue to move and lead men and society to various paths. These societal factors in turn shape us in distinct ways and help us understand the trends happening in our environment. Now, with the introduction of globalization, the concept of borders is slowly deteriorating as people realize the connections and relatedness amidst diversity. My background and understudy of politics and international relations in both University of Leeds and Middle East Technical University has given me the leverage to decipher models and assumptions from both the local and international realm. These alongside my experiences in both governmental and international organization (AISEC) can cultivate better appreciation of what this programme has to offer. Likewise, my projects and individual studies have encouraged me to diversify my career and dwell on personal and professional development. Examples of these training and seminars revolve around the realms of marketing and management. In the end, with your acceptance I feel that it can help encourage and satisfy my desire to learn. It can help widen my understanding and comprehension of different factors that continuously shape both our local and global environments. At the same time, by focusing on management and marketing frameworks, I can specialize on issues and ideas that are prevalent in different market-oriented economies. This in turn can make me vibrant and adaptive to the changes happening in our continuous globalizing and expanding society.
Heart Disease Essay Example for Free
Heart Disease Essay Our body is composed of many organs and all of those organs are important. One of them is our heart. Heart played a great role in our body because it pumps the blood coming from our vessels throughout the parts of our body. Though there are still some people who are over using their hearts that can lead to some major heart problems. These problems are like heart attack, malfunction of our heart or even slowing of our heart rate. These kinds of heart problems can also be develop thru some diseases like diabetes and obesity. Obesity can occur because of lack in health or food diet and also lack of exercise everyday. Balance diet and lifestyle like exercising is a good habit to avoid obesity. Thought, thru this many things we are doing in this life it seems to be so complicated. From the day we wake up until to our work and back again at night. Yet, our heart can never be compare for what id did for us, working 24 hours a day, 7 times a week, 30 days a month and so on. For this reason, it was found out that unusual feelings or emotions may lead to some malfunction of our heart. Emotional stress is one of the problems due to some problems like in our family, work, or even in our personal relationship. If emotional stress often occurs to our self, it may produce various transient cardiovascular responses leading to some changes like heart rate then eventually develop to heart disease like heart attack. Then, changes in our heart rate will lead to risk for high blood and improper function of our heart. For this reason, we need to learn how to manage our stress to lesser the risk of heart failure. We need to realize that being frustrated or disappointed to little things like for example, giving other meaning on what we see or hear from other people may cause stress. For this instance, it is advice to always look on both parties and truly accept the opinions of others to lesser the tension that may lead to stress. Giving time for our self like walking around and having some exercise everyday may be a better help. Making negative things to positive way and being calm in every criticism we hear is a good help in relieving our emotions to stress. We need also to learn that we are the one who take control of our selves, that we have the choice if we let those negative things destroy us or make us better. Depression and hopelessness like being alone and losing faith and hope in things will not help to solve our problem instead may affect our heart and sometimes may lead to heart attack. Though there are times that it may also lead to develop some other diseases like diabetes and obesity that can increase risk in heart problem. Emotional trauma due to some death, accident and even because of different abuses can also trigger the risk of heart failure or even death. Since the person may also undergo in depression and hopelessness at this stage and for that reason they need accompaniment. If these cases occur, we need to ask some professional help or advices from a doctor because this kind of problems are too serious and need some attention from a professional person to avoid more complicated things to happen. For the reason that emotional problems is the leading reason of heart failure, doctors have advices that we need to be aware in everything we do, say or act even its physically, mentally or emotionally because it can affect our health in different way like heart failure. Doctors also recommended that the physiological factors that affect our health can never be cure or solve by other people instead by our selves only. People have different way in controlling ourselves and it only depends on us how to manage and handle it. We need to realize that sometimes, thinking too many especially unnecessary things may affect our emotions. We also need to always remember that if we allow those feeling to overcome us, it can just destroy us because it gives a lot of problems to us like health problems and in reality we can just let those bad thought to just pass away. We need to always remember that we are not on the world of imagination or thinking impossible things instead we are in a real world that even its complicated, its worthwhile living because its real. Painful and disabling headaches seem to be ignored to be just a simple one but in reality it needs much attention. It is because it can develop to some more complicated diseases that can more damage our brain system like migraine which can affect both sides of our brain that bring a lot of pain called headache. Too much and continues headache without paying attention by the person experiencing it à brought by migraine can damage our health that can lead to brain damage or even tumor in our brain that can cause to a death of oneââ¬â¢s patient. Headache is also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to noise, smell and light. If one person is experiencing migraine, he/she can be experiencing ââ¬Å"auraâ⬠that includes dizziness, double vision and changes in your vision while others can also experience migraine without aura call common migraine. One person can have a migraine through his/her heritage, it can also develop through the hard activities we had, through alcohol consumptions, through little or too much sleep, also through women who undergo menstruation and sometimes thru the psychological influences that our lifestyle brought to us. Though even researchers havenââ¬â¢t yet prove the psychological influences it brought in developing migraine, but still the factors that have been considered played a great role in curing or preventing migraine. Examples of these psychological influences are thinking of negatives things, frightening, angry, self demeaning and thinking a lot of unnecessary things. Thru these feelings, stress and depression may occur that can more trigger the migraine of oneââ¬â¢s person because it affects our brain system. It affects our brain system because migraine is developed through out brain that leads to headache and if our brain is over work already plus more the things that we are thinking or experiencing, it can more trigger our migraine. These things are the psychological factors that influence a lot the development of migraine is oneââ¬â¢s person. Treatments for this kind of disease is still undergoing research for scientist and doctors but some medicine like painkillers is been using for the patients because it can lower down the pain that the patient is experiencing. Though, through those psychological factors in developing migraine, treatment or even prevention can be applied. Doctors have found out that having a good lifestyle can be a good solution in curing or even preventing migraine. Example, having a good and right diet in the foods that we are eating can be a good key to have good nutrient for our body to fight for those bacteriaââ¬â¢s and viruses that are causing migraine. Having a lifestyle also that is full of love and patient can be a good process in preventing anger and negative feeling to be in our thoughts that can lead to stress and even depressions. In conclusion, though psychological factors are not yet proven in preventing or curing migraine, it still played a great role in some major health problems we are experiencing like heart problem. Psychological factors also is a very safe way in having a good health because it doesnââ¬â¢t involve any taking of medicine because we all know that even good medicines have side effects. Psychological factors also a good key in preventing those diseases because those psychological aspects that may lead to some disease can be prevented by our own selves only. It is just through our self control to the things we are doing, saying, acting or even thinking. It is just a matter of self discipline in all things that we are doing. We need to remember that if we like to have good health, we need to take care of our self too. Health is never been precious than any things in this world. So, letââ¬â¢s take care of our self to prevent those diseases in destroying us. REFERENCES
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Monomania Psychology Analysis: Ideal Ego and Ego Ideal
Monomania Psychology Analysis: Ideal Ego and Ego Ideal Abstract: This paper Moby Dick: Obsession, Evil and the Passion of Ignorance, argues that monomania is a passion of ignorance. It contends that this passion of ignorance is situated precisely between the ideal ego and the ego ideal. The ideal ego is the fantasy an individual has of themselves, a narcissistic illusion of completeness. It is a representation based on an image of the self fixed at the infantile period. The ego ideal is the goal of a process, a movement towards an idealized self based on internalised significant early role models, people admired and preferred in favour of the self. In monomania, the ideal ego seeks to eradicate the other, the ego ideal. This is an act of envy, an attempt to kill and steal the others good because it represents what one should be or could have been. Such an act is never conscious. It is a passion of ignorance. The saga of Captain Ahab and his obsessive desire to obliterate the Great White Whale is illustrative of this dynamic. The yearning for absolutes is a hall-mark of monomania. Monomania is a passion of ignorance and is to be found in the boundary between love and hate. It is inherently evil because it excludes and destroys reality. In monomania, ignorance functions as a parochial and universalised concept of reality, marked by a certainty and rectitude which enables the harming of others with humanitarian conviction and moral purpose. The passion of ignorance is situated precisely between the subject and the fantasy of himself. The ideal ego wishes to eradicate the other, the ego ideal, What is at the heart all psychopathological behaviour is an incapacity to communicate with aspects of the self that have, as part of the self protective mechanism of the psyche, been obscured because they are too painful to be addressed. At the time of obfuscation, the only perceived path for survival has been the isolation and dissociation of something intrinsic. Analytical psychology recognizes that there are dark recesses people carry deep within in which lurk forbidden secrets which are treated as unapproachable. These dark places and forbidden secrets are not passive, they pulsate with the presence of malignant, carnivorous forces that reek of fear and anarchy. It is no accident that the developmental arm of analytical psychology is preoccupied to the determining effects of family history, for it is in the family setting that people experience the strongest and most primitive feelings, where relationships take on their most stark and forceful forms. A persons experience within the context of family has its genesis at a time before coping mechanisms are developed, before and independent sense of security and stability has had time to consolidate. Analytical psychology understands that the individual is deeply affected by the net of past experiences. They impact on the way in which present experiences are assimilated or repressed. They determine what may be allowed to come to consciousness and what must be assigned to the unconscious. The unconscious is occasioned by a number of factors, by repression, instinctual inheritance, social conditioning and repressed trauma. It can be personal or collective. In all its aspects, the unconscious represents that part of an individuals psychic existence that is, by multiple strategies, consigned to function without conscious control. Thus analytical psychology attempts inexorably to draw one deeper and deeper into a journey of confrontation with ones self. It calls on the individual to overcome his defences, to transcend the bounds of secure systems he has established to keep full and immediate experience at bay. In the tale of Moby Dick, Ahab misuses his power, disregards the safety of his crew and the profitability of the voyage, even forfeits his own life in order to avenge himself on the whale who robbed him of his leg. He does this, all to avoid a confrontation with himself and his own vulnerabilities. The Story: The tale of Moby Dick begins with the enigmatic words of the narrator, Having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntary pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet, and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping onto the street and methodically knocking peoples hats off ââ¬â then, I account it high time to get to see as soon as I can. (Melville 1992 p. 1) With these words Ishmael the story teller announces his intention to go to sea. He makes the journey to New Bedford, Massachusetts where he takes accommodation at a whalers inn, but as the inn is very full he finds himself sharing a bed with a stranger, Queequeg, a harpooner from the South Pacific. Queequeg is a cannibal from a South Sea Island. His strange physical form appears bizarre to Ishmael. He is covered in strange tattoos and apart from his alien appearance has strange habits and customs. Ishmael is terrified by the encounter but as time passes he is able to move beyond the outward exterior of Queequeg to understand that they are both men, and this strange creature from the South Seas, far from being a terrifying beast is human, and one with a particularly kind heart and generous spirit. The two men join forces and set out to seek work together as whalers. They secure work on the Pequod, a whaling vessel decked out with the bones and teeth of its victims, Peleg and Bildad, t he Pequods Quaker owners, tell them of their Captain, Ahab, who on his last voyage found that sperm whales are not defenceless victims, but creatures with teeth; Ahab has had his leg ripped from him by an enormous white whale. The hunted became the hunter and had struck back. The Pequod leaves the safety of the harbour in Nantucket on a bitterly cold Christmas Day, its crew a diverse mixture of nationalities and cultures. Days later, as the ship makes into warmer waters, Ahab finally appears on deck, balancing unsteadily on his prostheses carved from the jaw bone of a sperm whale. Ahabs intention: to pursue and kill Moby Dick, the great white whale who took his leg. To Ahab, this whale is the embodiment of evil. He must be killed and killed by Ahab. To this end he nails a gold doubloon to the mast and announces to all that the man who first sights Moby Dick will have the coin. Aboard one of these ships is a crazed prophet called Gabriel who predicts doom to all who pursue Moby Dick and the superstitious crew of the Pequod share their sea-stories of how those who hunted the whale met with ill fortune. It is not long before misfortune is seen and known by the crew. While butchering their catch, the harpooner Tashtego falls into the mouth of a dead whale which tears free of the Pequod and sinks. Queequeg dives after the drowning man, slashes into the slowly sinking head with his knife and frees the seaman. During another whale hunt, the black cabin boy Pip, jumps from a whaleboat and is left stranded at sea. He is rescued but the trauma renders him mentally disturbed. He is left mindless and uncanny, a prophetic jester onboard the ship. Still the hunt continues. One day, the Pequod encounters the whaler, the Samuel Enderby. Captain Boomer the skipper has lost an arm in a chance meeting with Moby Dick. As the two captains discuss the whale the contrast becomes evident. Boomer is happy simply to have survived his encounter, and he cannot understand Ahabs lust for vengeance. Queequeg becomes ill and asks the carpenter on board the Pequod to make him a coffin in preparation of his death but he does recover, and the coffin becomes the Pequods replacement life buoy. In expectation of finding Moby Dick, Ahab orders a harpoon to be forged and baptizes this harpoon with the blood of the Pequod harpooners, and his own. Although the Pequod is still hunting whales, it is the hunt for Moby Dick that always hangs over the life of the ship. Then, one day, Fedallah makes a prophesy regarding the death of Ahab. Ahab will see two hearses, the second made from American wood and he will be killed by hemp rope. To Ahab, this means he will not die at sea, for at sea there are no hangings and no hearses. A tropical storm encompasses the Pequod, illuminating it with electrical fire. To Ahab this is a sign of imminent confrontation and success. To Starbuck, the ships first mate, it is a bad omen and he contemplates murdering Ahab to end the obsession. The tempest ends, but then one of the sailors plummets from the ships masthead and drownsââ¬âa grave forewarning of what lies ahead. As Ahabs obsessive desire to find and destroy Moby Dick intensifies, the mad Pip becomes his constant companion. It is near the equator that Ahab expects to find Moby Dick, and it is here that the Pequod meets two whalers, the Rachel and the Delight; both have had recent fatal encounters with the Great Whale. The Captain of the Rachel pleads with Ahab to help him find his son, lost in the battle with Moby Dick, but Ahab has only one goal, to find and kill the whale. Days pass, and then, finally, Ahab sights Moby Dick. The harpoon boats are launched. Moby Dick rams Ahabs harpoon boat, destroying it but Ahab is saved by his crew. The next day, Moby Dick is sighted once more. The whale is harpooned but again, Moby dick strikes back and once again rams Ahabs boat. Fedallah is trapped in the harpoon line, is dragged overboard to his death. Starbuck saves his Captain by manoeuvring the Pequod between Ahab and the enraged beast. On the third day, the boats are launched once again and are sent after Moby Dick. The whale turns and attacks the boats, and they see that Fedallahs corpse is still lashed to the whale by the harpoon line. In the ensuing battle, Moby Dick rams the Pequod and she begins to sinks. Ahab, caught in a harpoon line, is hurled out of his whale boat to his death. The remaining whaleboats and crew are caught in the vortex of the sinking Pequod and dragged to their deaths. Ishmael, thrown from his boat at the beginning of the hunt, is the only man to survive. He floats, alone on Queequegs coffin, the only remaining flotsam from the wreckage, an isolated figure in a watery world. On the second day, a sail drew near, nearer, and picked me up at last. It was the devious-cruising Rachel that in her retracing search after her missing children, only found another orphan. (Melville 1992 p. 583) An Uncanny Tale In telling the story of Moby Dick, Melvilles narrator, Ishmael, engages in a process of repetition that brings the dead back to life. His narrator offers what appears to be a sober account of his real experience but in the recounting it is immediately evident that this experience is anything but commonplace. Melvilles combination of reality and the fantastic, the credible and the incredible, compel the reader to accept the narrative on its own terms. The tale confronts the reader with narratorial anxiety in both the telling of the tale and in the horror of its content. Melvilles narrative method exemplifies the de-familiarisation of the familiar, the domestication of terror that characterises the uncanny. Freud characterises the uncanny as that which arouses dread and horror; (Freud 1919 p. 339) it is that class of things which lead us back to what is known of the old and familiar. (Freud 1919 p.340) It is precarious, this combination of the familiar and the unfamiliar, where the opposites of the homely, customary and congenial also denote the secret that is concealed and kept from sight. (Freud 1919 p. 347) We believe we are at home in the immediate circle of beings. That which is, is familiar, reliable, ordinary. Nevertheless, the clearing is pervaded by a constant concealment in the double form of refusal and dissembling. At the bottom, the ordinary is not ordinary; it is extra-ordinary, uncanny. (Heidegger 1971 p. 53) Freud argues that one of the most anxiety-producing devices of the uncanny is the double. Freud considers the uncanniness of the double to be the effect of the egos projection of the object ââ¬Ëoutwardly as something foreign to itself. What is inside is experienced as coming from outside, (Freud 1919 p.358) split off and isolated through a process of repression and dissociation. The subject may identify with another to the extent that he is not sure which identity he is or he may substitute the extraneous self for his own. In the tale of Moby Dick it is this lack of difference which dominates Ahabs relationship to the whale. While Ahab may try to establish himself as a saviour, he too, deep down, is dangerous and destructive. It is this sameness that is problematic. When it becomes too obvious that the other is contained in the self, the other becomes an object for irrational hostility. In this dynamic, both the object (the whale) and the subject (Ahab) become doubles of each othe r in the psyche of the person who is enmeshed in the projection. The notion of the double always inspires the subject with dread and can be summed up as a dividing and interchanging of the ego. There is an inevitable cyclic repetition of the initial trauma. It is an inescapable loop until the doubling is concluded. Aboard ship, Ahab imposes an irresistible dictatorship in order to pursue his obsession. Moby Dick had injured him and that fact contravened Ahabs entire view of how the world should be ordered. The self-righteous, imposing Captain of the Pequod smoulders with the fires of hell. His all consuming pride and rage against the white whale blaze in the great speech before his crew where he proclaims, That inscrutable thing is chiefly what I hate; and be the white whale agent, or the white whale principal, I will wreak my hate upon him Talk to me not of blasphemy, man, Id strike the sun if it insulted me. (Melville 1992 p. 167) Ahab cannot see Moby Dick for what the great while whale is, because the reality of the animal is subsumed under the passion of Ahabs projection. But because this ââ¬Ërelationship is skewed, the rest of Ahabs world suffers. Ahab has no connection to any other person or thing beyond the white whale. It is inevitable that the whale proves to be his nemesis; it is the whale that inflicts retribution and vengeance, not Ahab. The Orphan With the first sentence of Moby Dick we are confronted with the complex figure of Ishmael. The narrative begins with the words Call me Ishmael. The name has come to symbolize orphans and social outcasts but it has another aspect to it. The word literally means ââ¬ËGod hears. Ishmael, according to the Hebrew Scriptures, was the first son of Abraham, born to a slave woman, Hagar because Abraham believed his wife Sarah to be infertile. But when God granted Sarah a son of her own, Ishmael and his mother were turned out of Abrahams household. Isaac inherited the birthright from Abraham. Ishmael was left to die under a bush in the wilderness by his distraught and starving mother. But in her distress she cried out and God heard her cry and the cry of the child. 15When the water in the skin was gone, she cast the child under one of the bushes. 16 And God heard the voice of the boy; and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven, and said to her, What troubles you, Hagar? Do not be afraid; for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is. 18Come, lift up the boy and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make a great nation of him. 19Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. She went, and filled the skin with water, and gave the boy a drink. 20God was with the boy, and he grew up; he lived in the wilderness, and became an expert with the bow. (Genesis 21: 15 ââ¬â 20 The Bible NRSV 1988) From a Judeo-Christian perspective Ishmael was an outcast, the result of his fathers failure to believe and obey YHWHs promise to give him a son through his wife Sarah. As a consequence, Ishmael was the one repressed and rejected. But Ishmael was heard and taken care of by God. Throughout his life, Melville was preoccupied with the imagery of orphans and in particular with the character Ishmael. In Mardi he writes, But as sailors are mostly foundlings and castaways, and carry all their kith and kin in their arms and legs, there hardly ever appears any heir-at-law to claim their estate. (Melville 2004 p. 139) In Redburn, Melville writes, at last I have found myself a sort of Ishmael on the ship, without a single friend or companion. (Melville 1957 p. 60) In Pierre Melville writes, so that once more he might not feel himself driven out, an Ishmael into the desert, with no maternal Hagar to accompany him and comfort him. (Melville 1962 p. 125) Edward Edinger argues that Melville had an Ishmael complex which had two sources; personal life experience and identification with an archetypal image. (Edinger 1995 p. 23) The personal cause would be the insanity and death of his father and the ensuing hardships this caused. Melville was twelve and a half when his father died, close to the age of the biblical Ishmael who was thirteen. In addition, he was rejected by his mother, who favoured her first son. According to Arvin Newton, Melville, as an elderly man, once remarked to his niece that his mother had hated him. (Arvin 1950 p.30) The pain of his rejection is poignantly evident in the tale of Mob y Dick Most of the action is seen through the eyes of Ishmael. He will thus represent the authors ego (Edinger 1995 p. 24) Ishmael, the lone survivor of this misadventure is the story teller. At the outset of the story, Ishmael presents as one who is in pain and internal distress. He is impoverished, hostile, depressed and potentially suicidal. He heads for the sea, to Nantucket to find work on a whaler. In the past he has found sea voyages as a way of containing his internal conflict and pain. But before he can find a ship, his poverty forces him to find accommodation in a squalid inn, sharing a bed with a harpooner. When the harpooner enters the room in which Ishmael is sleeping he awakes in horror at the apparition before him, a man who appears to have just returned from the ministrations of a surgeon, his face covered with sticking plaster. But that is not the reality. The harpooner is a cannibal from the pacific, tattooed in his native islander tradition. He carries a tomahawk, a seal skin purse with the hair still attached and a shrunken head. The overall impression is alien, bizarre and terrifying to Ishmael. He watches from beneath the counterpane as the stranger uses the tomahawk as a pipe, then quietly turns into the bed with Ishmael. He is unaware of Ishmaels presence and reacts with instinctive aggression. In the fracas that follows Ishmael calls out in terror to the landlord for help. ââ¬ËLandlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! Save me! (Melville 1992 p. 25) Peter Coffin, the landlord, soothes the moment. He introduces the men to each other and Ishmael is suddenly aware that this frightening apparition is a person, with a name. Queequeg is no longer a nameless savage, a cannibal with a shrunken head and a death dealing tomahawk. The tomahawk is also a peace pipe, and he shares the smoke from this unique instrument with Ishmael. The tomahawk-pipe has now become a symbol for both life and death, a symbol of reconciliation and peace. In this initial encounter with Queequeg a transformation is begun in Ishmael. In symbolic terms, he has embraced, in the symbolic form of Queequ eg, both death and life as indivisible partners, and when he wakes the following morning he begins to see the world from a different perspective. Ishmael understands the mixture of life and death that Queequegs tomahawk-come-pipe represents, and realizes, at least in that moment, that such experience can lead to renewal. The Obsession, Ahab demonstrates the dangers of an all consuming focus; the object of his obsession is the solitary great white whale, nicknamed Moby-Dick by the whalers. On his previous voyage, Ahab had his leg ripped off by Moby-Dick, and at the Ishmaels story begins, he has sworn to take his vengeance by hunting down and killing the great whale. It never occurs to Ahab that he lost his leg while trying to take the whales life and while in the process of killing countless other whales for monetary gain. Ahabs obsession has more to do with what Moby Dick represents than with the great whale himself. He saw Moby Dick as the prey and could not cope with the idea that he was not omnipotent in this relationship, that he was outdone by another creature. As Ahab reasons in a fiery speech to the crew of the Pequod, all visible objects are like pasteboard masks that hide some unknown but still reasoning thing. Ahab hates that inscrutable thing that hides behind the mask of appearance. The only way to figh t against it, he proclaims is to strike through the mask! Moby Dick, as a mysterious force of nature, represents the most outrageous, malevolent aspect of natures mask. To kill it, in the mind of Ahab, is to reach for and seize the unknowable truth that is hidden from all people. He cannot conceive of the concept that there is a simpler reality; he is not the master of all other species. He sees his failure to be able to take life at will as a reversal of his role as the predator and therefore can only conceive of himself now as the one preyed upon. This he cannot accept and so is driven to destroy that which in his mind denies his appropriated reality. Ahabs insane obsession and hunt for Moby Dick describes the consequences of viewing the world as a mask that hides unknowable truth. It is Ahabs frustration with the limits of human knowledge and power that lead him to reject both science and logic and instead embrace violence and the dark magic of Fedallah his demonic advisor. Like Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus, he has made a pact with the devil. Thinking he is immortal, Ahab attacks Moby Dick, striking at the mask of appearance that supposedly hides ultimate truth. His devotion to the idea that truth exists behind or beyond the physical world forces him to destroy himself in the attempt to reach it. Ahab can only relinquish his illusion by dying, or killing the object upon which his illusion has rested. Ahabs ideal ego, that is the fantasy he has of himself as one who is in control and omnipotent, is in the process of destroying his ego ideal, that is, his potential as man, captain and hunter. He believes he must eradicate the evil of the whale, but in reality, because he is caught in this doubling with the whale, he is intent on murdering himself. His passion of ignorance has overwhelmed his reason, blinded him to his own creative potential. All that is left is the passion and it knows no reason People thus reduced inflict the traumatic pain of their void on others. The evil they engender is not just about destruction but emerges from the chaotic principle of pure drive which has loss at its centre and therefore must occasion more loss. The important point is not that the symbolism of what Ahab lost, but the symbolism of the loss itself. Revenge is only sought when there has been a great loss, a loss that is seen to embody an injustice, and an injustice imposed by an enemy over whom victory should have been assured. Ahab lost his leg to a beast, an inferior creature. His quest for revenge could just as easily have been instituted by the loss of an arm, a child, or a father. The loss implies inferiority to a foe that is deemed to be unworthy of such a victory. Revenge becomes obsession because only with revenge can the world become again that which supports the adopted perception of order. For Ahab, revenge can only be perceived as the re-imposition of superiority and ascenda ncy. It is the adoption of this delusional sense of what order is, that gives rise to the monomania that attends a thirst for revenge. Ahabs loss of limb is immediate and it is personal but despite losing a leg he can still walk, he can still captain, he can still go on a whaleboat and harpoon. It is the greater loss which is the mechanism standing behind the driving revenge and his monomaniacal pursuit of it. As if to be human is forever to be prey to turning your corner of the human race, hence perhaps all of it, into some new species of the genus of humanity, for the better or for the worse. (Cavell 1998 p.154) For this reason Ahab must inflate the object of his revenge and recreate it as something larger in context. To accomplish this, Ahab must imbue Moby Dick massive power, power beyond comprehension. By placing the capacity of evil upon the whale, Ahab can fool himself into thinking that Moby Dick is a greater being than he really is and therefore his own loss appears greater than it really is. For Ahab, the delusion attendant to the psychosis of revenge suppresses the reality that he is merely a man bent on attempting to restore his lost sense of superiority. This reality is replaced with a grandiose vision of one who is a redeemer for humanity. But it is not humanity Ahab is attempting to redeem; it is his own inflated ego whose ascendancy has been usurped. By imputing to Moby-Dick a demonic power he does not really possess Ahab, blinds himself to any reality of what Moby Dick actually is, to any real strength and intelligence that the whale possesses. This blindness springs not from mere ignorance, but from a consciously willed ignorance, from the desire not to know, from the ambition not to understand. In order to sustain his delusional conception of himself, he must appoint concomitant distortion to the world which surrounds him, and particularly to the object of his obsession. Ahab desperately wants Moby Dick to be inscrutable. He wants him to be a thing that is incapable of being understood, because that enables him to categorize his nemesis as sheer evil. Therefore he is compelled to refuse any effort at understanding and it is this iron-willed ambition to remain ignorant, to label this thing as ultimate evil that generates the ironic twist whereby Ahab himself becomes the ultimate danger, the evil which he imagines he is seeking to eradicate. It is Ahab who causes the complete destruction of all that surrounds him. Evil and the Passion of Ignorance Ahab desires to attach to Moby Dick all the evil that exists in the world. Moby Dick is a creation of his infantile envious omnipotent sadistic phantasies. Ahab himself identifies the ultimately personal source of what he sees as a universal evil when he says, It was Moby-Dick that dismasted me; Moby-Dick that brought me to this dead stump I stand on now it was that accursed white whale that razeed me; made a poor pegging lubber of me for ever and a day! (Melville 1992 p.166). Moby Dick took away Ahabs ability to literally stand on his own two feet. The loss of his leg can also be seen as a symbolic emasculation and that symbolism is made all the more apparent by the fact that Ahabs quest is for a sperm whale. Moby-Dick contains sperm; Ahab does not. In his quest for revenge, all of Ahabs creative potential is voided because he cannot accept that there is a reality that is greater and stronger than himself. It is in the attempt to deny the reality and existence of that which surpasses him that he divorces himself from his own creative life potential. Captain Ahab is both the psychotic parent in command of the infant and the infant overwhelmed with his own omnipotent phantasy. In the tale of Moby Dick, Herman Melville created a character whose motives of vengeance typify the behaviour of a psychotic person. Captain Ahab, in his delusion, could not allow Moby Dick to share the same space in his paranoid and infantile world. Ahab experienced the loss of his leg as a lethal wound that was potentially reparable only by a copy-cat act of vengeance taken upon the alleged guilty Moby Dick. That intangible malignity which has been there from the beginning Ahab did not fall down and worship it, but deliriously transferring its idea to the abhorred white whale, he pitted himself, all mutilated, against it He piled upon the whales hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot hearts shell upon. (Melville 1991 p. 187) We Cannibals must help these poor Christians. The relationship between Ishmael and Queequeg is the antithesis of the relationship between Ahab and Moby Dick. Ishmael and Queequeg develop a relationship that is based on the recognition of their dissimilarity and separateness. Ahab and Moby Dick are joined together by Ahabs projection and obsession. With Queequeg and Ishmael, the difference is something to be explored. The relationship between Queequeg and Ishmael has a germ of creativity; that between Ahab and Moby Dick is founded on destruction and butchery. The initial encounter between Queequeg and Ishmael provokes both terror and aggression. The landlord intervenes, calming the situation and bringing them both to an awareness of the necessity of living alongside of each other. This generates a realisation in both Ishmael and Queequeg that they are both men despite the visual and cultural dissimilarities. As time passes and conversation is enjoined, they begin to comprehend both their differences and their commonly shared objectives. According to the customs of Queequegs home, Ishmael and Queequeg are married after a social smoke out of the tomahawk pipe. Queequeg gives Ishmael half of his belongings, and the two men continue to share a bed. The tattooed body of Queequeg is much like the patchwork quilt that covers them both as they sleep. These tattoos are a written narrative of the universe but no one, save the prophet who inscribed them can decipher their meaning, not even Queequeg. And this tattooing had been the work of a departed prophet and seer of his island, who, by those hieroglyphic marks, had written out on his body a complete theory of the heavens and the earth, and a mystical treatise on the art of attaining truth; so that Queequeg in his own proper person was a riddle to unfold; a wondrous work in one volume; but whose mysteries not even himself could read, though his own live heart beat against them; and these mysteries were therefore destined in the end to moulder away with the living parchment whereon they were inscribed, and so be unsolved to the last.(Melville 1992 p. 491) For Ishmael, Queequeg represents the dangerous and the forbidden for which Ishmael secretly yearns. Queequeg also symbolizes the explorative and adventurous aspect of Ishmaels personality. Once Ishmael recognizes this, his fears lessen and he embraces the savage into his life. Ishmaels initial hostility to Queequeg is a projection of the suppression of a part of his own personality. Exotic and unique, Queequeg represents the unknown. Ishmael is able to recognise this, to admit it, and to realise that his fear is due to ignorance. With this awareness comes the further realisation that he, Ishmael, must travel to the sea in order to gain life experience by exploring and embracing the unknown. The friendship between the two men, although troubled by prejudice and slow to develop into a full understanding of one anothers character, is solidified with their ââ¬Ëmarriage contract. They effectively become one person, illustrating the full integration of Queequegs otherness into Ishmaels personality. At the end of the book, Ishmael survives because of Queequegs coffin. In accordance with their marriage contract, Queequeg offers Ishmael protection from the sea-hawks, sharks and sea in the form of his coffin. In turn, Ishmael carries on Queequegs spirit, carved into the wood of the coffin. Queequeg represents that part of Ishmael which
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